Ring Avulsion Injury - Clinical Scenario
A 37-year-old construction worker suffers a ring avulsion injury to his middle finger, classified and managed using Urbaniak's system.
A 37-year-old construction worker suffers a ring avulsion injury to his middle finger, classified and managed using Urbaniak's system.
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A 5-year-old presenting with nail avulsion in the middle finger likely has a Seymour fracture. This clinical case focuses on clinical assessment, investigations, treatment and complications
Thumb MCPJ UCL injuries range is typically diagnosed with stress tests and imaging. Conservative treatment for partial tears to surgical repair for complete tears and avulsions.
Seymour fractures are open, displaced distal phalangeal fractures in children, often caused by crushing injuries and associated with nail bed damage. Treatment includes irrigation, debridement, reduction, fixation, and antibiotics.
Ring avulsion injuries range from lacerations to amputation, typically caused by a ring catching on an object. Proper assessment and treatment depend on the severity, involving everything from suturing to amputation.
A 33-year-old skier presents with thumb pain after a fall causing radial deviation. Suspected acute UCL injury prompts differential diagnosis, valgus stress tests, and imaging.
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The goal of this surgery is to restore strength against valgus force whilst preserving soft tissue structures identified during dissection.
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