DIEP Flap Reconstruction: Anatomy, Key Surgical Steps, & Complications
The DIEP flap is a gold standard for autologous breast reconstruction, offering superior vascularity and minimal donor-site morbidity.
The DIEP flap is a gold standard for autologous breast reconstruction, offering superior vascularity and minimal donor-site morbidity.
Penile reconstruction addresses tissue loss from trauma, fibrosis, cancer, and infection. The primary goal is to construct a phallus with a neo-urethra for standing urination and sufficient bulk for a prosthesis. Techniques include glans, shaft, and scrotal reconstruction.
Thatte and Thatte classify venous flaps into three types based on vein number and function. Venous flaps are infrequently used due to low survival rates and venous congestion, despite their reliable anatomy and minimal donor site morbidity.
The Mathes and Nahai Classification, introduced in 1981, describes the vascular supply to muscle and musculocutaneous flaps based on major and minor pedicles. This system is essential for planning reconstructive surgeries to ensure optimal flap survival and function.
The radial artery forearm flap is a fasciocutaneous flap. This article details the flap's anatomy, elevation, and dissection.
The VRAM Flap is a Type III Mathes & Nahai myocutaneous flap. This article details its indications, anatomy, and surgical technique.
This article details the anatomy, technique, indications, benefits and disadvantages of the gracilis flap.
Hartrampf's Zones of Perfusion refers to the subdivision of the lower abdominal flap into 4 equal zones based on their level of perfusion and viability. This article examines the history, clinical significant and current concepts.
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