1. โ๏ธ Letter from P'Fella - what is "indie, open-sourced, not-for-profit"?
2. ๐ง Weekly Quiz Competition - Round 2 (updated leaderboard!)
4. ๐ญ Upcoming Events - 17 events coming soon!
5. ๐ฃ Tweets of the Week - memes, images, ideas.
6. ๐ New features - Email Course, Authorships, Anki!
7. ๐ Articles of the Week - Rapid Review & Deep Dive
A Letter from P'Fella
"independent, not-for-profit, open-sourced platform creating evidence-based educational tools"
well, what does that all mean?
To put it simply, P'Fella is not associated with any organization, advertising, pharmaceutical company, society, training body, country, college, or university.
Why? There is something romantic, unique & trustworthy about it.

Not for Profit. Really?? Yes, really.
The monetization of education is a slippery slope. It's a complete misalignment of incentives. P'Fella has developed a "sustainable business model".
Here's how ๐

Do you mean an open journal? No.
It's a term coined by software gurus to identify an approach to creating programs. It now represents a much bigger picture & values of open exchange, collaboration, participation, transparency
What does that mean for you ๐

Weekly Quiz Competition
Round 2! New Question

Upcoming Events
17 Webinars, Conferences, and Courses
- ASPS Spring Meeting - Virtual, March 2022.
- ASSH - Upper Limb Micro Recon - Virtual, March 26th.
- IFSSH Combined Conference - London, April 2022.
- AAPS Centennial Meeting - San Diego, April 2022.
- BAPRAS AEC Trunk Reconstruction - April 2022.
- BAAPS Masterclass in Aesthetic Practice - London, May 2022.
- RACS 90th Annual Scientific Conference - Brisbane, May 2022.
- British Burns Association Annual Meeting - Bristol, May 2022.
- Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
- Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022.
- ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
- ICCPCA Cleft Congress - Edinburgh, July 2022
- ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
- BAAPS Annual Conference 2022 - London, September 2022.
- European Society of Craniofacial Surgery - Oxford, September 2022.
- Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.
- AEC Limb Reconstruction - Virtual, October 2022
Tweets of the Week
Here are 3 tweets you might have missed!
#surgeonsforUkraine ๐บ๐ฆ pic.twitter.com/OmOgeVyj8J
— Jeff Friedrich (@JeffFriedrichMD) February 28, 2022
Pending editorial decision pic.twitter.com/MlAFmyzzK7
— Oded Rechavi ๐ฆ (@OdedRechavi) March 3, 2022
AIN End to side transfer to ulnar motor branch is a tool to try to obtain a recovery of intrinsic muscle atrophy in patients with severe prรณximal ulnar nerve compression. Yesterday I developed this patient with my partner Jorge Ruiz MD. pic.twitter.com/Kw43octwXa
New Feature
P'Fella has been busy this week
A Free 5-day email course for Plastic Surgery Interviews
It starts tomorrow! ย

Updated the homepage!

Anki-compatible Flaschards

Updated thePlasticsCreator!

Articles of the Week
Rapid-Review & Deep-Dive
Rapid Review: A new way to diagnose flexor tenosynovitis?
A1 Pulley Tenderness as a Modification to Tenderness along the Flexor Sheath in Diagnosing Pyogenic Flexor Tenosynovitis. Siska et al, PRS
- Aim: To increase specificity for diagnosing flexor tenosynovitis by including tenderness over the A1 pulley (in addition to the usual sign of tenderness over the flexor sheath).
- Methods: A retrospective chart review over 8 months
- Results: 33 patients showed A1 pulley tenderness had the greatest odds ratio, positive predictive value, specificity, and accuracy when compared with all Kanavel signs. When used in conjunction with each Kanavel sign, there was an increase in specificity in all four signs.
- Conclusions: Tenderness at the A1 pulley can be a useful add-on to the usual of โtenderness over the course of the flexor sheathโ.
This is a relatively low-yield study that won't change my clinical practice. The level of evidence is low (retrospective chart-review case series). The clinical sign they are describing is already included in a standard clinical examination for flexor tenosynovitis. To put it simply, the A1 pulley is along the flexor sheath - they aren't describing something new.
When someone presents with flexor tenosynovitis, they are going to theatre regardless of how tender they are over the A1 pulley.
Deep Dive: A Landmark Paper that changes our practice forever.
Report of the Committee on Tendon Injuries (International Federation of Societies for Surgery of the Hand) H E Kleinert, C Verdan. J Hand Surg 1983

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