A Letter from P'Fella
Build a career, not a logbook
Don't let the system distract you from the real goal.
Your main priority always should be to do learn and improve every time you operate. You shouldn't just operate to increase your logbook numbers.
When plastic surgery trainee wants to show off their skills, they often quote their logbook numbers. But at the end of the day, they are missing a key point.
The plastic surgery journey is not linear. It be can be quantified and qualified. Regardless of your training location, there are 4 main ways to operate: observing, assisting, being supervised by someone more senior, or performing independently. But, for most plastic surgery trainees, these phases overlap, coincide, and blend together - they become a number. They are quantified but not qualified.
It's good to reflect on your skills, to test and qualify your ability to operate; to evolve your strategy as you discover areas of weakness.
Building a logbook shouldn't be a distraction from building a career. They should work together to serve the same goal. How you do that, and in what order, is up to you.
Study on Sunday
Brachial Plexus ๐ฅด
1. Origin: the plexus arises from the anterior rami of C5-T1 spinal nerves.
2. Segments of the plexus are roots, trunks, divisions, cords, branches.
3. Course: intervertebral foramina to posterior triangle to the axilla.
4. Main branches: median, ulnar, radial, axillary, musculocutaneous.
5. Embryology: develops in the 5th week of gestation.

Weekly Quiz Competition

Upcoming Events
19 Webinars, Conferences, and Courses
- BSSH Hand and Wrist Imaging - March 28th
- EURAPS Burn Surgery - March 31st
- BAPRAS Sarcoma Teaching - Virtual, April 11th.
- IFSSH Combined Conference - London, April 2022.
- AAPS Centennial Meeting - San Diego, April 2022.
- BAPRAS AEC Trunk Reconstruction - April 2022.
- BAAPS Masterclass in Aesthetic Practice - London, May 2022.
- RACS 90th Annual Scientific Conference - Brisbane, May 2022.
- British Burns Association Annual Meeting - Bristol, May 2022.
- Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
- Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022.
- ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
- ICCPCA Cleft Congress - Edinburgh, July 2022
- ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
- BAAPS Annual Conference 2022 - London, September 2022.
- European Society of Craniofacial Surgery - Oxford, September 2022.
- BARPAS Celtic Meeting - Dunblane, Scotland September 2022
- Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.
- AEC Limb Reconstruction - Virtual, October 2022
Tweets of the Week
#orthotwitter @itius @pratikorho
โ Dr. Anil Bhat (@anilbhatortho) March 25, 2022
Diagnosis ? pic.twitter.com/kzrm18qlfy
10 Life Changing Ideas Visualized out of Lego ๐งต pic.twitter.com/1tFk21mTAO
โ Kristin Portsmouth (@design_by_kp) March 24, 2022
โ thePlasticsFella (@PlasticsFella) March 22, 2022
Can't figure out the new scar direction?
Draw a line between A and B.
That's the new direction. pic.twitter.com/1Cy9JS6Feg
New Feature
More Flashcards!!
This week, there has been a huge update to thePlasticsFlash. There are nearly 1000 flaschards designed specifically for plastic surgery exams and general revision.
Oh, there is also Anki-compatible decks in case you didn't know!

Articles of the Week
Rapid Review
The Art of a Scientific Presentation: Tips from Steve Jobs
Horiuchi, Sakura B.S.; Nasser, Jacob S. B.S.; Chung, Kevin C. M.D., M.S.Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: March 2022 - Volume 149 - Issue 3 - p 533-540
- Aim: establish a comprehensive list to aid in creating a methodical approach for presenters to evaluate their own presentations to ensure a standard of quality and effectiveness.
- Methods: a combination of literature review and anecdotal experiences
- Results: see table below!
- Conclusions: Preparing, constructing, refining, and personality. These are the key features to a good presentation.

Deep Dive:
Kanavel Signs - a 1912 publication that changed our practice.