June 26th

Curated evidence-based Plastic Surgery, direct to your inbox. It's hard to keep up-to-date. thePlasticsPaper sends you 1 email per week - just the highlights!

In this week's edition

P'Fella explores an increasing trend of scientific fraud, explains burn fluid resuscitation, shows off a new search function, and deep-dives an important publication in Plastic Surgery.

  1. ✍️ Letter from P'Fella
    Scientific Fraud on Facebook.

  2. 🤓 Study on Sunday + Weekly Quiz
    How to calculate burns fluid resuscitation.

  3. 🎭 Upcoming Events
    12 upcoming events for you.

  4. 🐣 Tweets of the Week
    Memes, viral tweets & educational threads.

  5. 🚀 New Features
    New search function & progress bars

  6. 📝 Articles of the Week
    3 must-read, 1 deep-dive for thePlasticsPro

There was some buzz in the #plasticsurgery world this week when a screenshot went viral. Viral for pretty much all the wrong reasons.

You can check it out for yourself here.

To summarise it for you, a guy was happy to put people as authors on upcoming publications if they paid him. Preying on the anxiety of publications leading up to career applications. Essentially, taking advantage of people at their most vulnerable.

In P'Fella's opinion, this is pretty shocking. On so many levels. It brings us back to a big problem in currently in research - scientific fraud.

Chop et al describe scientific fraud as "an act of deception or misrepresentation of one's own work, violates these ethical standards. It can take the form of plagiarism, falsification of data, and irresponsible authorship".

So how prevalent is scientific fraud? Here are some stats on the number of retractions from PubMed. 67.4% of retractions were due to misconduct and 21.3% were due to a genuine mistake. This misconduct ranged from:

- fraud or suspected fraud (43.4%)
- duplicate publication (14.2%)
- plagiarism (9.8%)

The authors of this article state this is a 10x increase in fraud since the 1970s.

Fluid Resuscitation

There are a number of different formulas used to calculate fluid requirements in burn resuscitation. These include the commonly used Parkland formula and modified-Brooke formula.

Check out the diagram below that gives you a breakdown

Weekly Quiz

Each week, P'Fella asks you one question to test your knowledge. You can now see how others have answered too! 

Answer this week's question

  1. Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
  2. Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022
  3. PLASTA x RSM Summer Congress 2022 - July 9th
  4. ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
  5. ICCPCA Cleft Congress - Edinburgh, July 2022
  6. ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
  7. BAAPS Annual Conference 2022 - London, September 2022.
  8. European Society of Craniofacial Surgery - September 2022.
  9. BAPRAS Celtic Meeting - Dunblane, Scotland, September 2022
  10. Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.
  11. AEC Limb Reconstruction - Virtual, October 2022
  12. BAPRAS 2022 Congress - November 2022.

Submit your Event

Improved Search & a Progress Bar

P'Fella has improved the way you can SEARCH.

You can now search the topic titles AND the content in that article. Let's say you're trying to find something quite specific. It could be a sentence, paragraph or subheading. Now you can do that.

Check out the video as an example of finding a niche topic: lightning strikes.


As you scroll, you might night a progress bar appears across the top of your page. This gives your direct feedback on how far you are in your reading. A small thing, but it's kinda cool. 

3 Top Picks

  1. Skoff et al. The Psychological and Somatic Consequences of Digital Amputation, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open: June 2022 - Volume 10 - Issue 6 - p e4387

  2. Jerome et al.  Fingertip Injuries Outcome Score, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open: June 2022 - Volume 10 - Issue 6 - p e4386

  3. Broekstra et al. Disease Course of Primary Dupuytren Disease: 5-Year Results of a Prospective Cohort Study, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: June 2022 - Volume 149 - Issue 6 - p 1371-1378

This Week's Deep Dive. 

This is currently under renovation.

As you can prob tell by now, P'Fella is always building and improving. And this section can be better. It is going to be more focused on a "journal club style", maybe even slides for you to present at your own journal club!

Check back next week to see the changes!

Suggest your idea!

This is for thePlasticsPro

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