thePlasticsPaper - February 20th

Curated evidence-based Plastic Surgery, direct to your inbox. It's hard to keep up-to-date. thePlasticsPaper sends you 1 email per week - just the highlights!
thePlasticsPaper - February 20th

In this Week's Edition

1. ✍️ Letter from P'Fella - 3 reasons why Twitter is the best textbook
2. πŸ“ Articles of the Week - 3 Case Reports and Images
3. 🧐 Weekly Quiz Competition - new season & winners announced!!
4. πŸ”  Wordle for Plastics Surgeons - round 3!
4. 🎭 Upcoming Events - 21 webinars & courses.
5. 🐣 Tweets of the Week - memes, images, ideas.
6. πŸš€ New features - Flashcards in 7 days!!


A Letter from P'Fella

Twitter is the best Plastic Surgery textbook. Β Here's why...

  1. All the big players are on Twitter.

Twitter allows you access to the best journals (PRS, JPRAS, JHS) or most the influential figures in plastic surgery (Rod Rohrich, Jeff Janis, and of course P'Fella lol).

2. It's always up-to-date

Twitter is built on the premise that you will also find the most up-to-date information. So if you are active enough, you'll get the journals, the events. and the clinical discussions. Β  Β 

3. The information finds you

It's easy to give out about the "algorithm". But, it does get you the information you're interested in. When P'Fella logs in, the only thing on the feed is evidence-based discussions. No trolls! (thank god).

Here's a guide on how to use Twitter properly


Articles of the Week

Let's focus on some interesting case reports & images...

Acquired glanular hypospadius from a penis piercing.
MacLeod et al, JPRAS

Presentation: fistula 12 months post piercing to the penis.
Diagnosis: Acquired glanular hypospadius
Treatment: Education! and urology!

See the images and full article here.

Persistent Trigger Finger Due to Tendon Subluxation
Akiki et al, Journal of Hand Surgery

Presentation: persistence of triggering after A1 pulley division
Diagnosis: flexor digitorum superficialis tendon subluxation
Treatment: longitudinal flexor digitorum superficialis tendon separation.

Image of the Week: Gingival Melanoma

A 61-year-old woman presented with a rapidly growing pigmented gingival lesion. Incisional biopsy revealed melanoma.

Image below πŸ‘‡

Originally published in NEJM


Weekly Quiz Competition

A new season is launching!

P'Fella was blown away by the enthusiasm for this weekly quiz competition. Over 200+ people took part every week for the past 6 weeks. It's time to bring this to the next level!

Starting next Sunday...

  1. There will be a fresh new leaderboard!
  2. There will be a $100 voucher prize.
  3. There will be 10 questions in the season.
  4. 1 winner will be crowned the "smartest plastic surgeon in the world".

Congratulations to Ricky (Consultant/Attending) and Clemens (Resident/Trainee) - joint winners of season 1 with 9 questions answered correctly.


Wordle for Plastic Surgeons

Created specifically for Plastics!

p.s - share your results on Twitter and @plasticsfella. Each week, 1 winner gets some pretty cool merch πŸ”₯


Upcoming Events

21 Webinars, Conferences, and Courses

  1. BSSH Benign and Malignant Tumours of the Hand - Feb 26th
  2. Edinburgh Hand Course - Edinburgh, Feb 2022
  3. BSSH Arthritis Workshop - Manchester, Feb 2022.
  4. AWR Conference - London, Feb 2022.
  5. MWSPS Annual Meeting - UT, USA Feb 2022
  6. ASPS In-Service Exam - Virtual, March 2022.
  7. ASPS Spring Meeting - Virtual, March 2022.
  8. ASSH - Upper Limb Micro Recon - Virtual, March 26th.
  9. AAPS Centennial Meeting - San Diego, April 2022.
  10. BAPRAS AEC Trunk Reconstruction - April 2022.
  11. BAAPS Masterclass in Aesthetic Practice - London, May 2022.
  12. RACS 90th Annual Scientific Conference - Brisbane, May 2022.
  13. British Burns Association Annual Meeting - Bristol, May 2022.
  14. Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
  15. Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022.
  16. ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
  17. ICCPCA Cleft Congress - Edinburgh, July 2022
  18. ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
  19. BAAPS Annual Conference 2022 - London, September 2022.
  20. Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.
  21. AEC Limb Reconstruction - Virtual, October 2022


Tweets of the Week

Here are 3 tweets you might have missed!


New Feature

thePlasticsFlash Β (Update)

It's nearly built! It's gonna be πŸš€

P'Fella was testing the waters this week on Twitter. It was amazing to see the demand for flaschards. >98% of people said, "YES, WE WANT FLASHCARDS". SO here it is πŸ‘‡

Launching Sunday 27th February!

About the author

One platform for everything
Plastic Surgery

A curated suite of educational tools designed specifically for the evidence-based Plastic Surgeon.

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