

391 posts

How much does a sub-internship actually cost? JPRAS Journal Club.

Total Body Surface Area Calculations in Burns

"The Match", 6 Fat Grafting Tips, & New Events Database

Burns: Initial Assessment and Management

Fat Grafting: Basic Science, Techniques, & Patient Management

Upper Limb Cellulitis: Diagnosis, Management, & Complications

Cash Influences Research, 1 Important Podcast Guest, & All Things Vascular Anomalies

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

New AI Surgical Studio, 3 Local Flap Techniques, & Design the Rotation Flap (properly)

Rotation Flap: Design Principles, Complications, & Flap Modifications

New JPRAS Partnership, 2 Tips on Eyelid Recon, & Textbook Updates

Role of Tranexamic Acid (TXA) in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery: A National Perspective

Finger Replantation: Indications, Surgical Technique, & Complications

Designer Nipple Filler, 3 Facial Nerve Landmarks, & Tips for Clinical Examination.

Facial Nerve Palsy: Clinical Assessment, Grading, & Management

Fellowship Reality, 3 Lymphedema Essentials, & Tips for LVA

Upper Eyelid Reconstruction: Principles, Reconstruction Options, & Complications

Lasers: Principles, Clinical Applications, & Complications

Flawed Literature, 3 Types of Tendon Transfers, & Textbook Update

Breast Ptosis: Classification, Assessment, & Surgical Management

Gen "Shaky Hands", Skin Grafts Are Failing + The 4 Forgotten Principles of Grafting.

The Instagram Scam, 7 Facial Flap Insights & Quiz Winners.

2 Tips for Acland's Patency Test, Venous Flaps & ALT Flap in Action

Paper vs Electronic Records?, 3 Must-Knows on Scars, Wounds, & Keloids

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