🎁 Read 'Closing Up 2025': Spotify Wrapped for Plastics

thePlasticsPaper - April 17th

Curated evidence-based Plastic Surgery, direct to your inbox. It's hard to keep up-to-date. thePlasticsPaper sends you 1 email per week - just the highlights!
thePlasticsPaper - April 17th

In this Week's Edition

1. ✍️ Letter from P'Fella - Study Habits of +11,000 Plastic Surgeons.

2. πŸ€“ Study on Sunday - Lower Eyelid Anatomy (mnemonic + drawing)

2. 🧐 Weekly Quiz Competition - Round 7!

4. 🎭 Upcoming Events - 18 webinars, events and conferences

5. 🐣 Tweets of the Week - #reduction, Glaucomflecken, X-rays!

6. πŸš€ New features - thePlasticsDiary (become a tester)

7. πŸ“ Articles of the Week - 3 essential reads, 1 deep-dive on keloids!


A Letter from P'Fella

Every Sunday, you can get insight into the thoughts and actions of P'Fella. 

A prospective analysis of your study behaviour

Interested in how you learn online?

P'Fella analysed +11,000 people using the educational platform over 30 days. This is raw data from March 2022. It may only interest a few, but it helps understand our behaviour.

Here are four key points:

  1. A diverse group of people! These are the top 5 countries. Many assume a connection between P'Fella and the UK, but this data says otherwise. Interesting to note that India increased 100% compared to March 2021; Canadians spend the most time studying.

2. Mobile is the boss!  There is no surprise that mobile is the most standard method to review topics during this month. Some other facts: laptops study 63 secs more than mobile, mobile increased 300%  in 12 months.

3. How do you get to the platform? P'Fella's SEO is pretty strong. That's why Google is the number 1 source of traffic during this month. If learners come directly to the website, they spend 2.5x longer studying. That's the benefit of a goal-directed study session rather than browsing.

4. You have a long attention span! The average time on a typical website is ~50 seconds. The average time studying the top 10 articles ranges from ~5-50 minutes during March 2022. You are geeks!

I hope you've found this data insightful. It's the raw data collected over one month thanks to the privacy-first & non-tracking @PlausibleHQ.

If you would like access to this data to analyse, publish or present then please reply, "Yes Research" to this email.


Study on Sunday

Your weekly bite-sized topic to keep your knowledge fresh. Quick. 

Eyelid Anatomy

The eyelid is a bilamellar structure. Its anatomy is the β€œRule of 2’s”

  • 2 Eyelids Upper and Lower
  • 2 Lamellae: Anterior and Posterior
  • 2 structures in anterior lamellae: Skin + Muscle
  • 2 structures in posterior lamellae: Tarsus + Conjunctiva.


Weekly Quiz Competition

Round 7! Wow, it's competitive for this $100 prize.


Upcoming Events

18 Webinars, Conferences, and Courses

This is an incredibly comprehensive list of upcoming events in Plastic Surgery. If you want your event advertised, just reply to this email! 

  1. iBreastBook - What's new in mastectomy? - Virtual, April 23rd.
  2. BSSH Median and Ulnar Nerve - Virtual, April 30th.
  3. IFSSH Combined Conference - London, April 2022.
  4. AAPS Centennial Meeting - San Diego, April 2022.
  5. BAPRAS AEC Trunk Reconstruction - April 2022.
  6. BAAPS Masterclass in Aesthetic Practice - London, May 2022.
  7. RACS 90th Annual Scientific Conference - Brisbane, May 2022.
  8. British Burns Association Annual Meeting - Bristol, May 2022.
  9. Australian ASPS Congress - Goldcoast, June 2022
  10. Aesthetics In-Service Exam - Virtual, June 2022.
  11. ISAPS World Congress - Istanbul, July 2022
  12. ICCPCA Cleft Congress - Edinburgh, July 2022
  13. ASSH Annual Meeting - Boston, September 2022.
  14. BAAPS Annual Conference 2022 - London, September 2022.
  15. European Society of Craniofacial Surgery - Oxford, September 2022.
  16. BAPRAS Celtic Meeting - Dunblane, Scotland September 2022
  17. Plastic Surgery, The Meeting - Boston, October 2022.
  18. AEC Limb Reconstruction - Virtual, October 2022


Tweets of the Week

If you're not on Twitter, you're not learning. Fact.


New Feature


Every week, P'Fella creates or updates the educational platform. All decisions are direct by one simple mantra: build great educational tools.

I'm really excited about this.

A weekly organiser, surgical diary & study planner designed for plastics. the idea is to organise your week, create study schedules, and write surgical op notes on certain cases.

6 sections (so far) on common duties in plastic surgery: Monthly Calendar Β· Weekly Planner Β· Surgical Log Β· On-Call Records Β· Revision Coach Β· Personal Goals

If you would like to test it: reply "YES DIARY" to this email.
If you have any suggestions, just write away! If P'Fella uses them you have the diary for free :)


Articles of the Week

This is probably the most popular section of thePlasticsPaper. Every week, P'Fella links 3 articles you should read. There is also 1 deep-dive review for thePlasticsPro community. 

Important Reads

  1. A 15-Year Review of Clinical Practice Patterns in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Based on Continuous Certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Sasson et al. PRS Journal April 11, 2022
  2. The β€œHome Effect”: The Impact of Virtual Interviews on the 2021 Integrated Plastic Surgery Residency Match, Reategui et al. PRS Journal March 22, 2022
  3. Skin Preservation in the Debridement of Necrotizing Fasciitis: A Demonstrative Case Report, AlMarshad et al. PRS Global Open: April 2022

Deep Dive

This section is designed for you to use in your journal clubs or personal learning. It consists of a comprehensive summary of key points, evidence-based critique, P'Fella's perspective on the article, and its potential implications for clinical practice.

This week: What is the best practice for radiotherapy for keloid scars?

Citation: Wen, P., Wang, T., Zhou, Y. et al. A retrospective study of hypofractionated radiotherapy for keloids in 100 cases. Sci Rep11, 3598 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-83255-4

The deep-dive is for thePlasticsPro users who support educational P'Fella's mission.

This is for thePlasticsPro

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